Exruptive Security
The next generation X-ray scanning for screening of carry-on luggage in airports is under development and in the process of completing the ECAC EDSCB C3 certification.

The rising hassle and cost of airport security
15 years ago, the average number of passengers that passed through security was 350 per hour, per line. However, over the past years that number has dropped to less than half the throughput with some cases being as low as 60 passengers per hour. As a result, 95% of all passengers find the security process stressful and intimidating.
Exruptive has developed an X-ray scanning system with enhanced, proprietary ECAC security standard C3 certifiable X-ray technology that eliminates the need for passengers to unpack complex electronics and liquids when going through security. The throughput per scanner line will be 450 passengers or more per hour, double to triple that of existing tray-based solutions.
Replacing the traditional trays with our scannable trolley
The Trolley Security Scanner combines a new and innovative X-ray technology with a never-before-seen method that disrupts the entire way of thinking airport security scanning.
By taking away the standard trays that are part of the current security procedure, the Trolley Security Scanner and the scannable plastic trolley allow the passengers to prepare themselves long before reaching the security scanner. At the same time it allows the passengers to keep their belongings within their backpacks and suitcases.
All this combined creates a stress-free procedure for both passengers and security staff, increases the security throughput to 450+/hour, allowing the airport passengers to enter the commercial area and gates more satisfied and stress-free than ever before.
A new and stress-free journey through security

Our trolley replaces the current trays
Security guidance/instructions displayed on trolley screen
Hand-luggage placed on trolley
Passenger identification on trolley
Passenger prepares for security at own pace
Before security

During security

Electronics and liquids are kept in bags on the trolley
Insertion of trolley in scanner
Personal screening in WTMD/body scan
Trolley is retrieved again when cleared
The touch screen on the trolley provides:
Personal guidance to shops and gate
New commercial platform for airport
Valuable data intelligence
After security

The security scanner
We have developed a brand new and innovative way of screening the passenger's carry-on luggage.

Scanner inlet

Trolley manipulator
and inlet buffer

Scanner unit

Scanner outlet

Manual check

New security screening technology
Our new scanner uses Multi-energy X-ray technology to create unique images for the operator that will be able to detect illegal substances with a much higher precision than with current technologies.

Standard X-ray images
Colour coding according to category:
orange = organics, green = glass, blue = metals
Items still superimposed
Difficult to discern dangerous organic materials from harmless
In the case displayed above, all three bottles would call for investigation, even if the content is safe (water, soft drinks).
Electronics and liquids must therefore be unpacked during security process

Exruptive's X-ray images
Accurate materials identification with multi-energy
Colour coding in harmless (green) or dangerous (red)
Accurate positioning of safe objects
> Vastly reduction in false alarms
Accurate positioning of dangerous goods
> less time spent searching the luggage manually
No need to unpack electronics and liquids from luggage before security
Benefits for airport, staff and passenger
The new process and technology in Exruptive Security creates significant benefits for both the airport and its security operators as well as the passengers, by providing a much more efficient and stress-free security process.
Easy preparation
The new process with the trolley allows the passengers to prepare at their own pace before security
Improved technology
Our technology ensures a safer screening process without removal of electronics and liquids
Increased throughput
Combining new technology and a new process triples the throughput, reaching >450 pax/line/hour
Seamless process
Using the trolley as a mean for both security and com-mercial purposes links the process from security to gate